Introduction from the editors

The Journal of Microhistory is an open forum, an online publication, which pays special attention to the development of the methods of microhistory. We encourage microhistorians or others interested in historical methods to send us long or short articles which can deal with the following topics: What is microhistory, how has it been practiced, and how has it been thriving alongside other methodological innovations in the sciences? What are the historiographical dimension of the methods of microhistory and how is it connected to other cultural movements within the humanities? How do approaches to microhistory differ within countries or larger geographical areas? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the methods of microhistory? In regard to the autobiographical perspective of microhistorians; how have the methods of microhistory worked in their scholarship?

We welcome lively discussions about single monographs, where authors can draw out how the microhistorical method works within the text. We also encourage review essays where clusters of books dealing with similar topics are under consideration. We are eager to have scholars shedding light on various perspectives of different conceptual and theoretical issues relating to microhistory. It needs to be emphasized that this is an informal forum on the topic of microhistory. We would like to see as many people as possible contributing to this attempt to define what microhistory is all about and what its future is within the historical profession. We will be developing the premiere journal in the near future and therefore we welcome any input into its future growth.

Just remember the following catagories:

    • The Methods of microhistory
    • International developments
    • Historiographical inquiries
    • Autobiographies of leading microhistorians
    • Independent articles
13 January 2013